1845 – The polka arrives in Rio de Janeiro.
1848 – The flutist Joaquim Antônio da Silva Callado is born. The Rio de Janeiro Conservatory of Music is opened.
1865 – Callado meets Chiquinha Gonzaga.
1867 – Callado enjoys his first hit with the quadrille “Carnival of 1867”. Gets married to Feliciana Adelaide. On June 19 he loses his father.
1869 – Callado releases the polkas “Querida por todos” (Cherished by Everybody) and “A sedutora” (Seductive).
1870 – The maxixe springs up in Rio de Janeiro. Callado creates the group called “Choro Carioca” (Choro from Rio de Janeiro).
1872 – The polka “Linguagem do coração” (Language of the heart) is published in Rio de Janeiro.
1873 – The polka “Imã” (Magnet) is published in Rio de Janeiro. Callado gives a charitable concert for his friend, the flutist Mathieu-André Reichert and subsequently releases, in a public concert, his “Lundu característico” (Characteristic lundu).
1875 – The polka “Cruzes, minha prima!” (Gosh, my cousin!) is published in Rio de Janeiro.
1879 – Callado is appointed assistant teacher of the Conservatory of Music and is awarded as Knight of the Order of the Rose.
1880 – Callado performs at the Teatro D. Pedro II, during the Rio de Janeiro carnival, and dies in the same year. Publication of the polkas “A desejada” (The much longed for) and “A Flor Amorosa” (The Loving Flower).
1912 – Frederico Figner opens Odeon, the first record company in South America. Pedro de Alcântara and Ernesto Nazaré record “Linguagem do coração” (Language of the Heart).
1914 – Aristarco Dias Brandão makes the first sung version of “A Flor Amorosa.” Artur Camilo and Agenor Bens record “Cruzes, minha prima!”.
1920 – Choro gathers strength in Rio de Janeiro.
1923 – Feliciana Adelaide Callado dies in Rio de Janeiro.
1929 – “A Flor Amorosa” is the first song recorded by the Columbia label in Brazil.