Choro for Big Bands - 2nd edition

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11 songs★★☆

About this album

Choro Music presents a delightful work for Choro lovers, for the lovers of the sounds full of the glamour of former Brazilian orchestras and for those that know how to enjoy good music.

We thought of a method where it would be possible for the student to understand the Brazilian swing and bossa, our melodic phrasing and also to enjoy and have fun at the sound of the Fervorosa Orchestra, an orchestra composed of young musicians, who play in the musical and drizzling nights of the city of São Paulo.

The recording process was well-prepared and intense; we attempted to record in this album a sound that is the closest possible to the actual one that was captured, with the works of the various group of instruments and percussion recorded live, which allowed for a much more organic sound.

Using the CD, listen to the complete stereo tracks (with soloist) for your reference. Tune your instrument using the tuning notes. Now have fun being the soloist, using the accompaniment tracks featuring a leading Orchestra from Brazil.

It is also possible to purchase the musical scores of the various groups of instruments separately at the Choro Music website and the corresponding audio for thorough review of the works.

Good study, better saying, have fun!


  1. Atraente Chiquinha Gonzaga
    Klayber Varela (clarinet)
  2. A Flor Amorosa Joaquim Callado
    Diego Lisboa (soprano saxophone)
  3. Flor do Abacate Álvaro Sandim
    João Poleto (soprano saxophone)
  4. Gaúcho (Corta-Jaca) Chiquinha Gonzaga
    Klayber Varela (clarinet)
  5. Matuto Ernesto Nazareth
    Stanley Carvalho (clarinet)
  6. O Boêmio Anacleto de Medeiros
    Alexandre Ribeiro (clarinet)
  7. Odeon Ernesto Nazareth
    Klayber Varela (clarinet)
  8. Yara Anacleto de Medeiros
    Stanley Carvalho (clarinet)
  9. Só pra moer Viriato Figueira da Silva
    Alexandre Ribeiro (clarinet)
  10. Tenebroso Ernesto Nazareth
    Cesar Roversi (soprano saxophone)
  11. Três Apitos Noel Rosa
    Marcelo Valezi (alto saxophone)


Collection Others
Repertoire 11 songs
Includes 1 CD with 11 songs with soloists, 1 tuning track and 11 backing tracks
Scores for C C | B♭ B♭ | E♭ E♭
Level of difficulty ★★☆ intermediate/advanced
Size 8.3 x 11.7 in
Number of pages 8
Weight 0.80 lbs
Presentation spiral bound
ISBN 978-85-64726-25-3



“Orquestra Fervorosa”

Special guest


Arrangements André Perine and Paulo Serau
Revision of scores Lucila Ferrini
Editing and mixing KS Studio and Estúdio Papiris (São Paulo, Brazil), by Koyti Gomes, Marcio Sorriso, Caio Monfort, André Perine and Paulo Serau
Mastering Estúdio Papiris, by Caio Monfort
Recordings KS Studio (São Paulo, Brazil), by Koyti Gomes and Marcio Sorriso, André Perine and Paulo Serau


1st edition

Song Page Measure
Odeon 83-84 44-141 Download PDF

Previous editions

Choro for Big Bands - 1st edition
11 songs★★☆